BREWING TIP: Use cold, filtered water and a clean machine.
GRIND only as much as you need for one cup or one pot of coffee.
CHOOSE the correct grind. Fine for espresso, medium for automatic drip, coarse for French Press.
MEASURE ground coffee to taste. Start with two level tablespoons of ground coffee per six ounces of cold filtered or bottled water.
STORE in an airtight container to protect the flavor and aroma and ensure rich, fresh tasting coffee. Do not freeze or refrigerate.
Heated slowly to ever increasing temperatures, Sumatra Mandheling Dark single origin coffee ascends the roasting spectrum to achieve an altered state where maltiness is transformed to caramel, and its rich aroma becomes even more intense.
Profile: Smooth body with a smoky aroma and sweet earthy flavor.
Place: West-central Sumatra near the port of Padang-Sumatra, Indonesia.
People: While most coffees are named after the country or growing region where they are farmed and harvested, Mandheling Coffee is named after the Mandheling People, who traditionally farmed and processed these coffee beans.
Process: This coffee is semi-washed - a process in which the outer skin is removed in a fashion similar to the fully washed process. Once the skin is removed, however, the pulpy mucilage is left to dry on the bean. This process makes for a fruitier taste and stronger, heavier body.